No More Cheat Sheets...

October 18, '05
Another successful show at Adair's tonight accompanied by another great cheeseburger. Tonight was the largest turnout that we have had to date on a Tues. night. I’m looking forward to 29 Nov. when I can get back there again. This next upcoming gig is a Tuesday night also, but I think I remember hearing something about stepping up to a Thursday night in the months to come! That would be a fantastic move as I am sure the crowd is a little more solid on a night closer to the weekend. And we all know what that means: more butts in chairs, more fresh ears, bigger money for the bar, and in turn bigger money for the fellas’ makin’ the noise! That’s how the big ugly monster works.
Mainly I’m just concerned about that cheeseburger right now.
John Pittman, my good friend and former band mate made it out to play a few tunes on the acoustic as well. He came with a buddy of mine who I haven’t seen in months as well, Greg Nance. Both these guys have been friends for many years and with the addition of a brand-new baby boy to each of their families I feel fortunate that they had some time to make it out and hang for a while. Good to see you fellas!
Finally, ever since I began playing with O’Neal, Wayne, and E. I have been using some sort of cord progression chart and required some sort of method to the madness in the form of a set list for all of the shows that we have done up to this date. I kept all this info locked up safe in my trusty little white notebook that I am so used to hauling around in my backpack from city to city.
Tonight, I retired that little white notebook. The next time I see it will be 29 November, 2005 when I nail it to the ceiling (literally) at Adair’s, and this is where it shall remain on permanent display for all to make their own mark on. Provided they can reach the ceiling!
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