Whadda Show, Wadda Show, Wadda Show...

Damn, it's been far too long since my fingers kissed the keys to fill some space in this room.
Sorry for the lack of original pics.
I left the damn camera at home for the last few nights of gigging.
Anyway, tonight was a blast. Crosswire's gig tonight was probably my favorite to date (at least in that room.)
Excellent crowd!

And many thanks to Catfish Special!
...my new favorite local rock band.

Now to the pain.
I don't recommend busting your ring finger two hours before the gig. This is not the thing to do. I smashed that bitch between my 4x10 cabinet and the wall - not good, and still very sore today. Then there's Wayne... Wayne busted his china cymbal off the drum riser twice last night, and both times it comes crashing down on that same left hand of mine. The first time the bulk of the metal smacked my bass, scarring the top of the fretboard, hopefully not ruining the guitar as I saw it cracked right on the 5th fret - really not good! The second time was a direct hit into mass of bone in my thumb, and friends, it may not seem like much to get hit with the edge of a cymbal, but trust me, that shit hurts. And it hurts worse today.

Now, on to the nudity.
Ok, so we're about three songs into the first set and things are loosening up real good, so I always find some time to scan the crowd, saying hello to friends that I might have missed before we went on, and just examining the crowd as a whole in closer detail. This is when I notice that standing next to Jacob Hooker on the top right balcony is roughly 35lbs. of raw titties. Some gal had took it upon herself to bestow her bountiful mammary glands upon the eyes of the band, and I suppose some thanks are in order, so who ever you are, thank you for being the first girl to flash us during a show. Another historic moment in the annals of The Oneal Roadshow.
Check it out when you can.
We'll be at the Player's Club in Mt. Vernon tonight, so bring your pistol!
Or, at least bring a knife of some sort.
You may just need that shit.
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