March 04, 2006
Waresville Halle
Greenville, Texas
Jimmy and Cindy Ware really have a cool place. Waresville Halle is one of the coolest, if not the, that I have had a chance to play. All the perks - good company, good food, and a fine audience – the ultimate in laid-back atmosphere. Not too many full-band acts get the chance to play here and we were fortunate to be one of the few, kicking off this season of acts.
O’Neal kept telling me about how receptive the audience was here, and he was right. Everyone is front and center, eyes and ears peeled to what’s coming from the noise makers. You can literally hear the proverbial “pin drop” in between the notes being played, and this was one of the tightest sets that we have delivered.
I look forward to going back and see the sunset once again.
Good times.

Tip of the day: Don't stare at the Sun.

E is trying to convert the masses by preaching the gospel of Old Milwaukee Light.

Wayne in motion to set up for sound check.

This must be good advice unless you are into break-dancing the way Michael and I are.

You have to love a table that comes equipt with a
kaleidoscope eagerly awaiting your eye to enhance your buzz.

The Men's Room.

Chow Hall.

Sunset before the rain came.

Tonight's borrowed gear is brought to you by

"No Talk Zone."
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