November 24, 2006
Paris, TX
I absolutely love Thanksgiving - by far my favourite holiday...
I believe that Wayne had more Jager tonight than I have ever seen him drink in one sitting; the guy's a machine for sure... and I also saw O'Neal break more strings in one show than I have ever seen before as well - he obviously doesn't know his own strength.
It was good to see some old friends from back in the day that made it out to swap lies and pound beers. As for the totality for the evening, atypical it was not - the band got drunk, along with customers that walked their tabs, and the fight in the parking lot was a
Just another day at the office...

Eddie loads The Silver Bullet...

Someone, somewhere, at sometime needs to light that OU hat on fire that's always on Wayne's head.

I've been favoring the Tony Levin bass for a while now.

Level Route's lead player, Colby Reese, was kind enough to sit in with us again.

This must have been before O'Neal broke all the strings...

Our friend Casey Cainan made it in from several months of touring with wild animals and side-show freaks to play a few songs... I'll be doing session work on his new record this comming week.

You can always find a Hooker at a MOB show.

My friend Ben Alsup, bassist for The Fat Cats and Tyler Dow Bryant, loaned me his fine rig for the evening.

The Men's Room at Dillon's is by far the foulest around. If someone walked in, squat, and then shit in the middle of the floor it would be an improvement.

The Martins.

Long-time friends, Dameon and Chesley made it in for the holiday...

Tonight's SOS is brought to you by Colby Reese!
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