The M.O.B. Road Diary

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
48 Hours
6pm: August 31 - 6pm: September 02
The Rail - Commerce, Texas
Hoots Pub - Amarillo, Texas
First, let me start by mourning the loss of Michael’s long-running, lean, mean, green machine, Charles. As well been documented, “Chuck” has been replaced by the whitest of white vans with derogatory names surfacing like, “Lamont, Honkey, Whitey, THE MAN, etc…” Hell, I guess just flood the conversation with a new racially doomed name each time the big bastard is on the road, and eventually something will stick.
*Oddly now, the more I sit and listen to Jamiroquai’s, Canned Heat, I long to call that long albino fucker just that, “Canned Heat” – although the air works rather well…
Whatever – blame the Busch Light Tall Boys.
So, on to the gigging news for the weekend… My buddy, Ben Alsup – Music Man Fantazmico, graciously loaned me one of his finest 5-bangers: the Ernie Ball Dargie Delight Limited Edition, olive green, complete with martini inlays, GODDAMN RIGHT, double bucks, the-lotsa’-knobs-package, and switches I’ll never understand – the whole nine yards, (or 20-whatever frets), for like the last month or so, and I’ve been trying to put forth justice to it’s mightiness! I mean, I been fingering this machine like it’s my 7th grade prom date – just trying to do it wrong, and if I had my druthers (along w/$1,700) that bitch would be my 8th grade honey!
Thanks Ben.
(Who also lent me his fine Modulus 5 for recording Soul Shine…)
As for shows this past weekend:
#1: Great time w/5 friends on the road
#2: Sounded better than “fair”, I thought…
#3: Got my picture taken (in the VIP room)
#4: Ate at one of the premier steak houses in America
Well, shit.
That’s 4 for 4.
Now for the pics...
The Rail - Commerce, Texas
Hoots Pub - Amarillo, Texas
First, let me start by mourning the loss of Michael’s long-running, lean, mean, green machine, Charles. As well been documented, “Chuck” has been replaced by the whitest of white vans with derogatory names surfacing like, “Lamont, Honkey, Whitey, THE MAN, etc…” Hell, I guess just flood the conversation with a new racially doomed name each time the big bastard is on the road, and eventually something will stick.
*Oddly now, the more I sit and listen to Jamiroquai’s, Canned Heat, I long to call that long albino fucker just that, “Canned Heat” – although the air works rather well…
Whatever – blame the Busch Light Tall Boys.
So, on to the gigging news for the weekend… My buddy, Ben Alsup – Music Man Fantazmico, graciously loaned me one of his finest 5-bangers: the Ernie Ball Dargie Delight Limited Edition, olive green, complete with martini inlays, GODDAMN RIGHT, double bucks, the-lotsa’-knobs-package, and switches I’ll never understand – the whole nine yards, (or 20-whatever frets), for like the last month or so, and I’ve been trying to put forth justice to it’s mightiness! I mean, I been fingering this machine like it’s my 7th grade prom date – just trying to do it wrong, and if I had my druthers (along w/$1,700) that bitch would be my 8th grade honey!
Thanks Ben.
(Who also lent me his fine Modulus 5 for recording Soul Shine…)
As for shows this past weekend:
#1: Great time w/5 friends on the road
#2: Sounded better than “fair”, I thought…
#3: Got my picture taken (in the VIP room)
#4: Ate at one of the premier steak houses in America
Well, shit.
That’s 4 for 4.
Now for the pics...
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Mind the Gap!
March 15, 2007
Rancho Forgeto
Holy shit, campers!
Long time - no type...
"Oh well", I say, "let by-gone's be by-gone's."
I think I heard something like that on that 'ol Three Stooges show a few times...
(Is that even the correct spelling and punctuation for 'by gone's'?)
Perhaps I used an apostrophe or a hyphen incorrectly?
Fuck, I may have mispleketed a few thangs in my tyme, and I owe no apologie.
Who cares?
No worries, I say, for new tales of mighty road pirates sailing the NE Texas lands (I know it makes no sense) are soon to be abound in these interweb seas.
Hide the rum.
March 15, 2007
Rancho Forgeto
Holy shit, campers!
Long time - no type...
"Oh well", I say, "let by-gone's be by-gone's."
I think I heard something like that on that 'ol Three Stooges show a few times...
(Is that even the correct spelling and punctuation for 'by gone's'?)
Perhaps I used an apostrophe or a hyphen incorrectly?
Fuck, I may have mispleketed a few thangs in my tyme, and I owe no apologie.
Who cares?
No worries, I say, for new tales of mighty road pirates sailing the NE Texas lands (I know it makes no sense) are soon to be abound in these interweb seas.
Hide the rum.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
"What, No Bass Amp?"

December 02, 2006
Hank's Grill
McKinney, Texas
Well, as the title suggests, we get to the club and realize that we had no bass amp in the trailer. Up until recently, I had been using Eric's vintage Fender Bassman head with a couple of large cabinets (4x10, and 1x15) for most of the shows that we have played over the course of the last year or so - that is, until it finally farted out during the last song of our last L&W show in Plano. I'm hoping that it's only an "old tube issue" and I can get Eric some new ones to hopefully call it even.

New gear is definitely needed on my end, and at the cost of roughly $1,700, then it should only take me about 9 more months to save the bread to purchase the meat...
Ahh... 9 more months, and I'll have a brand-new baby - but this baby only screams when I want it to!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Twas The Night After Thanksgiving...
November 24, 2006
Paris, TX
I absolutely love Thanksgiving - by far my favourite holiday...
I believe that Wayne had more Jager tonight than I have ever seen him drink in one sitting; the guy's a machine for sure... and I also saw O'Neal break more strings in one show than I have ever seen before as well - he obviously doesn't know his own strength.
It was good to see some old friends from back in the day that made it out to swap lies and pound beers. As for the totality for the evening, atypical it was not - the band got drunk, along with customers that walked their tabs, and the fight in the parking lot was a humdinger.
Just another day at the office...