"What, No Bass Amp?"

December 02, 2006
Hank's Grill
McKinney, Texas
Well, as the title suggests, we get to the club and realize that we had no bass amp in the trailer. Up until recently, I had been using Eric's vintage Fender Bassman head with a couple of large cabinets (4x10, and 1x15) for most of the shows that we have played over the course of the last year or so - that is, until it finally farted out during the last song of our last L&W show in Plano. I'm hoping that it's only an "old tube issue" and I can get Eric some new ones to hopefully call it even.

New gear is definitely needed on my end, and at the cost of roughly $1,700, then it should only take me about 9 more months to save the bread to purchase the meat...
Ahh... 9 more months, and I'll have a brand-new baby - but this baby only screams when I want it to!
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