Who Is Tommy Mercer?

Everyone was pretty jazzed that we had a chance to play The White Elephant, as it's such a historic place. In fact, we even met the one and only Tommy Mercer right here! I believe that he actually offered us a spot backing him up on the casino circuit and after many a long hour of individual soul searching and long debate we finally came to the realization that we were probably just better off staying with just the four of us doing our small-time stuff, and that we were'nt really ready for the pressures of making it that "big."

Maybe some day O'Neal will be able to tack up that ball cap on the ceiling.

From what I understand, we are one of the few bands to have gone from what would be an auditioning kind of night to a weekend gig on the insde at the Caucasian Pachyderm. We actually skipped playing this outdoor beer garden which looks like it may in fact be the place to be on either a cool spring or crisp fall evening.

Here's a shot of MO by the Coliseum.

The Star Cafe was just down the block from the venue. They had a pretty decent burger too. They did however have what seemed like a small closet for a lavatory. I was the first to go in and wash my hands after the meal. Upon returning, another band mate, who shall remain nameless, asked me if it seemed like a clean enough place to "drop some off." I assured him that it was and off he went, only to have some other guy walk in on him while he was doing the deed. This was probably the first time that I laughed until I cried with this group of guys.

The White Elephant is located smack-down in cow town, The Fort Worth Stock Yards. This was my first time to visit Ft. Worth other than to go to one of the fine art museums there.
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