The Night I Met Stan...

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Well, what can I say about Adair’s that I haven't said yet?
First, as always, props to Grant, he has to be one of the best hosts in town. Also, a fat thank-you to the Mexican that cooked my burger, they truly are the best. I never caught your name, but that burger that you whooped out did the job - wishin' I had one right now.
Next, thanks to Casey Cainan, and also Grant and his Infidels for opening the show properly. It’s nice to have friends share some time on that small stage with us. Oh, and a thank you to my buddy John for sitting in on another night with us. That boy gyudt!
Finally, thanks to
Cool side note: It was bass player night at the show. I saw Brock Huggins, former O’Neal bassist, and also 1,100 Springs’ Steven Berg. Oh yea, frontman Mo Robson was there bumming a dip of fine
Weigh in when you can.
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