Kids In The Hall

December 03, '05
L&W in
As always, many thanks to Jake, Aaron, Dusty, Rob, and Martine (sp?), we always have fun in yawl’s joint, and if I left anyone out then it has to be because I'm still so tore-up.
Thanks again to John for sitting in with the band. A BIG thank-you to Wesley Joe for keeping time on those drums. The guy’s a real fluid player AND got balls of steel to come sit in with a band he’s never played with, playing some songs that he hasn’t ever heard, in a venue he’s never played in, all the while calmly pulling it off. Thanks again, brother. Maybe we can play again sometime…
Wesley’s entourage is a rowdy bunch too! These guys don’t play, when they can manage to trash a hotel room more than the band could. You could say that they leave a rather healthy hoof print. I kept waiting for someone to fucking throw the television out the window or strap on a football helmet and ride a motorcycle down the halls with their balls on fire. A rare breed indeed, these are the type guys who would be intravenously knocking back Jack Daniels and snorting fat chalky lines off the back tattoos of the local strippers before the gig if they were in a rock
band. Oh wait, they are...
Also, thank you to Eric for making sure we all got back to hotel. O’Neal pointed out to me today that Eric seems to take the father figure type role in taking care of all of us when we fall a little too hard off the chain, and fall hard we did, buddy. This was easily one of those nights that could have gotten completely out of hand. You know the kind: the brown acid makes you think you need golf shoes to get out of the dinosaur filled bar, or where you wake up underneath the van in the fetal position with the keys stuffed up your ass, and come to find out they ain't even your keys. Yea, one of those nights. I think I remember waking up on the sofa, just sitting there, burning my fingers away with lit cigarette – feels great today! This was before I decided to “go to floor” for the evening. The picture above is actually a shot of my lavish accommodations for the evening. You know, most people simply just go to bed, not me, I go to floor, baby! I woke up this morning after two hours of sleep fully clothed in the middle of the living room of the suite with a pillow and a bath mat for a blanket. Classic.
Oh well, I learned my lesson about staying away from the foreign guys who just want to hear one more song when they are buying the whole band after-show drinks. That Jagermeister will pound the head the next morning after shot after shot after shot.
I can’t wait until we get to come back.
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