December 16, 2005
Dillon's Paris, TX
We teamed up with the fellas from Miles from Nowhere for the first time tonight at Dillon's to see if we could pack it out. I think that we have another upcoming date with them again pretty soon. Turns out that the crowd wasn’t quite what we had hoped for but I think that we still had around 100 people show up. This funk band down the road at Crosswire had put a decent dent in our turnout I am sure.
As for the actual show, it was a little more difficult than we are used to. In an unfortunate turn of events Wayne had broken the three largest toes on his right foot the previous Tuesday at work, so he was feeling the pain a little bit on that. I can’t imagine what it’s like to stomp on your foot that has three broken toes for an entire gig – ouch! We ended up taking our time and laying back a lot on what we are typically playing faster these days and honestly it felt pretty good. Also, I turned to check Wayne out about 2 minutes into the second or third song and he had split his left hand wide open as well – blood everywhere. That’s when you know you’re dedicated, playing with broken bones and bleeding.
Kudos Wayne.
Miles played sharply. I got pretty dedicated when they busted out Whiskey River by ‘ol Willie – great song, and really cool to hear it out. I don’t think that I had ever heard anyone cover it before. I shared some playing time with “Muffin” (my bass) with their bass player, JJ. In turn he was kind enough to let me use/abuse his combo amp, saving me the hassle of hauling in the beast that I normally play through. He had just had some surgery for a torn ACL I believe so he, like Wayne, was on the limp wagon all night.
Warriors, I’m telling you.
Enjoy the pics, most of which are of the Miles crew as it’s hard for me to play my bass and try to photograph myself and the boys at the same time.
See you down the road.
Borrowed gear for the evening. 
Merle Ray gets one of the most distinct tones with that guitar.

Adam Walker on the acoustic guitar.

Wesley Joe on the skins, and if you look closely you may be able to see some blood that Wayne left on the snare head.

JJ on Muffin.
My guitar's looking filthy these days; I'll be cleaning it this Sunday.

Adam and me after the show.

Here's a shot of the crowd warming up the liver before the gig.

It sure is fun untangling this mess at the end of the night.
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